Sunday 26 June 2016

Why Did I Choose to Invest in Myself???

The best decision in my life was when I decide to invest in myself. At a point in my life where everything was going ok I found myself not enjoying myself doing the things I loved and I couldn’t work out why. I’d sit at home for hours on end just wondering what to do to get that excitement back in my life... What was the quick fix for this emptiness?? I had a high paying job working away, I had assets, cars, boats, house, apartment all material things really which were useless if I was not happy.

I couldn’t go out with people and enjoy myself as I had so much crap in my head from my past and I was always worried about being judged.

At the time I had the choice to take on another mining job on great money, stick it out with where I was still working or look for an exit strategy. I chose the exit strategy as I new I had to do something completely different as there was something missing.

What was missing was fulfilment. Fast forward to now and I’ve never been happier. My whole environment has changed from the amazing circle of friends I have, where I live to what I do for work. I don’t refer to it as work as I love it! Ive never been fitter and healthier in turn finding a passion in helping others with there fitness and health. My past is now just a reference point for lessons learnt to be able to guide and mentor people out of similar situations I used to be in. I have a bulletproof mindset which I’m continually working on as learning and knowledge is never ending. I’ve created balance in my life which all goes back to one decision... INVESTING IN MYSELF!!

Combining everything I have learnt right through life, harsh lessons, intense mindset training, spiritually and most importantly health and fitness I’ve created something for you...STEVE MC’S BETTER WAY VIP!!

If your stuck in life right now with no sense of direction, no balance or just searching for a better way well this is my better way. Take that step, do something different and make that decision like I did and take your life to the next level at

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