Tuesday 28 June 2016


I've shared this before but I thought it would make sense to share it again as I head back to Bali again tomorrow for another EPIC journey.

The picture above is me at the summit of a volcano🌋 in Bali where I declared certain things and one of them was I would stick to my path or mission no matter what challenges confronted me. It was about being true to me and what I wanted out of life. This might sound selfish but in order make a bigger difference in other people's lives I had to become the best version of myself😄🌟 in turn releasing my INNER BEAST❤️

I was in a situation on the weekend that made me uncomfortable as it wasn’t going the way I had visualised. As a result of this it made me question myself and what my intentions were leading into this and what my motives were. By asking myself the right questions I was able to quickly move on and not react in a way that would take me off my original path. I also took something else from it and that was I will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get what I want no matter what challenges arise!! In the past I would have reacted in a different way and went back into my shell, but not this time. When you have a deep emotional connection to something you will take the steps to get there no matter what exterior forces are at play, be it financial💰geographical🌎 or physical and emotional meaning another person👸🏻 or people👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 that are involved. I’ve been in flow and really smashing it lately so I see this little challenge as just the kick in the arse😡 I needed so it’s time to release that inner BEAST and strive harder to get what I want👊🏻😠👊🏻

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