Wednesday 22 February 2017

So my energy and emotions have been all over the place lately

So my energy and emotions have been all over the place lately with my usual solutions not working. This has been extremely frustrating as consistent high energy is how I roll and my health has never been more in check✅I'm getting more than enough sleep which is usually my first go to when I'm feeling drained😴
After a great chat and healing with the amazing Eleni Gray where she highlighted the source of what it might be I suddenly felt lighter and more energetic instantly. My energy lifted and I was back in the zone for a few days but then came the roller coaster again ⤵️⤴️⤵️⤴️⤵️⤴️⤵️⤴️⤵️

So what is it that has me so scattered energetically and leaving me feeling like I'm dragging around a ball and chain⁉️
Well after a tumultuous few months where I've made some massive changes I've gained some clarity on what it maybe and I feel I've been called to share it with the world 🌎

It's linked with the countless questions on why I moved on from my personal development journey of last year and what's with all of this travel talk I've been putting out. I've held back on explaining this fully as I haven't felt the need but now i feel it has to be shared for me to move forward. It's funny what shit you hold onto from such a long time ago can effect you so many years down the track with the decisions you make...

What am I going on about⁉️
Well I'm going to reveal all tonight at 5pm Queensland time because now I have some clarity around my own feelings and emotions that I know will resonate with many❤️❤️

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