Saturday 28 May 2016

LIVE with Celeste Rains Turk Energy Interaction & Exchange

LIVE with Celeste Rains-Turk Energy Interaction & Exchange

In this video, we have discussed how things are aligned in our daily lives.

We also discussed how to promote self-love and ensure we stay happy. This way happiness becomes an integral part of our lives.

How we can accomplish mission each day is really important for us to stay happy and keep the tribe happy wherever we live in.

It is really really important to start each of our days with a happy morning ritual, the way we start our day leads the way. So it is important to determine what are your morning rituals to stay fit…

Decision making is one of the essential aspects of our lives. Taking responsibility is vital for your decision and how to make important decisions.

REMEMBER! Your outer world changes as you change your inner world.

Taking risks leads to successful path and most of the people who are successful have taken huge risks

Fear and heap of faith keep us alive and move forward.


Find Steve McNamara Here:

Wednesday 25 May 2016

I'm Steve McNamara and THERE IS A BETTER WAY

I grew up in a small country town north of Melbourne Australia and had a pretty good upbringing. I loved my sport camping and fishing but was always in trouble a lot as a kid due to my short fused temper. I just thought I was born this way so when ever I was picked on or bullied fighting out of a situation was all I knew. Fast forward to my late teen years where I hit the pub and club scene living a highly toxic life with drug and alcohol addiction, toxic people and environments. With this toxic life my anger issues also evolved always in fights and in trouble with the police being charged with numerous offences along the way which almost lead to me being jailed on several occasions.

This didn't stop me from working very hard in all of my jobs, from a plant operator/foreman where I grew up in Melbourne to a supervisor in the mining industry in the Pilbara, W.A. Over a career of 20 years. For a large part of this I battled with my inner demons and kept it hidden from the outer world. With my love of adventures, exploring, hiking and fishing my only escape from the craziness that was going on in my world I started to find a way to deal with my shit. By changing my environments and working on firstly my health and fitness then peeling back the layers of conditioning to finding the route of my anger to working on my mindset and inner world.

Ive taken the hard road in life on more than one occasion and that has given me all the life experience I need to lift up and inspire people from darkness and pain and guide them to a life of happiness and freedom. My passion is helping others by giving them better ways to deal with day to day life challenges and problems.


FREE 30 Minute Empowerment Calls

I'm blown away by the amount messages and feedback I've received after last nights high energy Life Balance webinar.

I outlined very powerful strategies that have changed my life and can change yours as well!!

The response was so profound that the 7 FREE 30 minute empowerment alignment calls 1 on 1 with me filled in no time and the interaction with these 7 people was awesome!!
This has lead me to open up 3 more FREE empowered alignment 1 on 1 calls with me!!
If your stuck with no direction or searching for balance or purpose in life this is for you!!
Do you want me to show you how I've created balance in my life??
comment below SHOW ME

If you want to know how I discovered my life purpose??

Comment below SHOW ME or even better if there's someone out there who you know needs this please share!

As its my mission to lead people to a greater existence giving them a BETTER WAY!!

Find Steve McNamara Here:
